Quality management
ISO 9001:2015

  • Setup and support
  • Gap analysis
  • Audit preparation
  • Audits
  • Workshop
IRCA/CQI certified lead-auditor for ISO 9001:2015

ISO 9001:2015

In general and industry-wide, quality management is everything you undertake within your organization to ensure quality. Quality management is the branch of management that strives for the highest possible quality of a product, production process, service or organization. Quality management is not a well-defined field, but is reflected in all parts of a company’s management. In fact, quality management is nothing more than business operations. The quality management system is intended to support the operators in their tasks on the one hand, and on the other hand it is a tool that the management has to steer, monitor and improve the execution.

Quality management sounds boring, no one dreams of becoming a quality manager. However, the dusty image is not justified. Quality management is nothing more or less than business operations and is therefore a crucial, strategic staff function. Well-applied quality management can be a moneymaker. In addition, a well-designed and applied quality management system helps to make work more enjoyable; If there are fewer errors and complaints, the atmosphere will automatically improve.

In the world of ISO standards, quality management is a foundation. Many standards take the ISO standard for quality management, ISO 9001, as a starting point, something that is clearly recognizable in the structure. This standard can therefore be combined very well with sector-specific standards such as ISO 27001 or ISO 13485.

More than one million organizations worldwide have already achieved their ISO quality management certification. This standard is one of the most important business documents, and its importance is still growing. The certification is designed for organizations of all sizes and in every industry.

In a system set-up according to ISO 9001, quality consists of three components: high accuracy, compliance with applicable standards and high customer satisfaction. The goal of the system is to measure each component and improve it where possible. With ISO 9001 certification, you show that your company meets the international requirements in the field of quality management. It demonstrates a solid and globally recognized approach, focused on continuously improving processes and managing business risks, to meet the demands and expectations of customers and other stakeholders, including shareholders! Your customers and relations will see it immediately: you deliver quality.

Choose an independent party

Preparing for ISO 9001 certification by an independent third party such as Bring out the Best is a smart move to ensure good quality management. Once certified, you will not only have a strong position against the competition, you will also notice that something changes internally; After all, quality management also clearly supports the company’s executives. We often see that quality management is an additional route to managers.

It is wise to have the internal or supplier audit for quality management carried out by an external party for the following reasons:

  1. Independence: An external party is independent and has no direct interest in the company’s internal processes. This allows for a more objective assessment of the quality management processes and systems. Due to its broad experience with quality management, Bring out the Best is a good choice for this
  2. Fresh perspective: An external auditor often brings a fresh perspective and new perspectives. Internal employees can sometimes become blind to certain problems or inefficiencies because they are too close to the process. External auditors can provide new insights and identify any blind spots.
  3. Expertise: External auditors are experts in their field and have specialized knowledge in the field of quality management. They are up-to-date on industry standards and best practices, which allows them to conduct an in-depth assessment.
  4. Cost savings: Hiring a third party can be cost-effective, especially for smaller businesses that may not have the resources to maintain a full-time internal audit function. External auditors can be hired on a project-specific basis, allowing for more flexible cost management.
  5. Experience with various organizations: Third-party auditors often have experience with diverse organizations and industries. This broad experience enables them to apply and recommend best practices from a variety of contexts.
  6. Compliance and certification: If the company is striving to comply with certain standards or certifications, a third-party auditor can help ensure compliance and prepare the company for audits from third-party certification bodies.
  7. Time savings: External auditors can reduce time constraints for internal employees, allowing them to focus on their day-to-day tasks. This can be especially important if internal resources are limited.

While there are benefits to using third-party auditors, it is also important to consider the specific needs and circumstances of the business when making this decision.

Even when quality management certification is not contractually required, this certification gives an advantage; It supports you in achieving your goals. In addition, certification provides confirmation of the reliability of your services. Thus, a good quality management system helps you build long-term business relationships.

This also applies internally. As mentioned; Quality management is business operations. By applying these according to the standard, you can be sure that your control over the processes in your company is based on years of experience of many people and the best practices of many thousands of companies. You will therefore see that a well-designed and well-maintained quality management system is cost-neutral at worst, but generally produces a positive result.

ISO 9001 follows the structure used by all new and revised ISO standards, currently the so-called high level structure, but with the revision of the standard for quality management, ISO 9001:2015, which is currently being prepared, the harmonized structure will be applied. This makes alignment of various ISO standards even better. These structures make it easier to implement integrated management systems, creating a single ‘business management system’ within an organization. This saves a lot of time and reduces costs.

The revision of the standard is currently underway. Bring out the Best has taken a seat on the quality management standards committee in order to contribute to an even better standard for our customers to conduct their business operations and to provide them with the most up-to-date information.

In order to best serve our customers, Bring out the Best is a member of the Dutch standard committee quality management. A revision of ISO 9001 is currently being discussed , and Bring out the Best is actively engaged in discussions on the revision of the international standard.

Gap analysis, audit preparation, internal- and supplier audits

 Bring out the Best can support all  your entire quality management processes.